Mins Game: March

This month we tackled bedding and towels. You wouldn’t believe how many towels we have for a family of 3. In the end we got rid of 9 small and large towels, and still have enough for our family of 3, and 3 guests (which is the most we have at once). Some of the…

Mins Game: February

This month we tackled our CDs, DVDs, Records, and VideoGames. I got rid of 21 CD’s, and kept 5. Greg got rid of 66 and kept 15. We also got rid of 2 TV series and 7 XBOX games that were duplicates. We separated out about 30 movies that we will either watch once more and donate, or…

Mins Game: January

January was a general clear out month to get us started. I wanted to see how many items I could declutter easily to give us some momentum. Here’s what we came up with: old rice cooker Audrey’s too small raincoat Audrey’s winter jacket with broken zipper box of glass christmas ornaments (beautiful ornaments, but with…

Silk Flower : January

Silk ribbon embroidery is a new discovery for me and while I wouldn’t say it’s easy, it needn’t be intimidating. The materials are minimal and after some research I decided on two sizes of needles and three sizes of ribbon to get me started. As I get more practice maybe I’ll do a post about…